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Swiss Towels

Kitchen Approved

Move over expensive paper towels! There is a new environmentally friendly sheriff in town. Read review. 

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All the hype is real!!! Why aren’t they sold in grocery stores and big box shops?  I was shopping for commercial grade cleaning products for my catering kitchen at the Home Depot. Out of the corner of my eye, I seen an almost empty product space with 2 packs of a product I never saw before. 

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means I may earn a commission should you chose to sign up for a program or make a purchase using my link. It’s okay – I love all of these companies anyways, and you will too!

The package was generic but said they were “Swiss Towels.”  I never heard of them before.  Energetically, I grabbed them and tossed them in my basket. 

Fast forward 6 months later and this is what blew me away.  The Swedish Company is doing it right!! 


  • $$$$ Save money because you can reuse them over and over vs paper towels.  
  • They absorb about 10x more than paper towels.  
  • Eco friendly. 100% natural materials. Can be composted.
  •  Microwave 1 min. to sanitize.
  • Color coordinate to dedicate its use to a specific task. Bathroom, kitchen, windows, stove, etc..
  • Clean on the top rack of your dishwasher.


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About Me: My name is Eileen Elizabeth and I have been catering for over 25 years.  I am a second-generation caterer. This product is used in my kitchen.  I purchase and use all the products I review.  

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